By far my most successful book so far is Dawn on Me. It may not have a thousand readers, but one reader has read it a thousand times. That would be my own mother, afflicted with Alzheimer's disease for many years now. The book is dedicated to her, and that much she knows as she reads it every day. Today is her 87th birthday and I am releasing it for all:
- directly on the content publishing site where I produced it :
- in PDF via my website:
The so-called "art of losing one's mind" is all about living in the present moment.
Here is an excerpt:
With time, some things would dawn on me. We do not need to lose our memory in order to imagine what that might be like. We do not need to lose our mind for it to rest in peace.` We can choose to focus on the fullness of the present. We may not hold all the keys to warding off dementia, but neither are we powerless. That is the message of this book, delivered with the odd humor of someone losing memory yet retaining wisdom.